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Different Ways Weed Is Used. It can be used as; inhaled, ingested, or applied and there are differences in the way the effects are felt.

Different Ways to Consume Cannabis and Their Effects

Different Ways Weed Is Used. In the world of cannabis, things have changed. While smoking was previously the sole way to get high, delivery methods have also changed as knowledge has grown. Your experience with cannabis can be greatly impacted by how you consume it, so trying out different approaches will help you determine what suits you the best. Let’s examine the various ways you can use cannabis.

Inhalation Methods

Inhaling is obviously the classic way to get your weed hit. When the smoke hits your lungs, it rapidly moves into your bloodstream. buy cannabis near me europe

Smoking Cannabis

The fastest way to access cannabis is to smoke it; the psychoactive ingredient, THC, will enter your brain in a matter of seconds and have you feeling euphoric in no time. The flower can be wrapped into a blunt (which is rolled with cigar paper instead of rolling paper and is typically thicker and stronger than a joint) or into a standard joint. Some people decide to combine cannabis with tobacco, which obviously has its own health risks but also produces a more potent high.

Different Ways Weed Is Used. It can be used as; inhaled, ingested, or applied and there are differences in the way the effects are felt.


Perhaps because vaping is less harmful to the lungs than smoking, vaporizers have become more and more popular in recent years. They are also very portable and covert. Because they aren’t exposed to the harmful byproducts of traditional smoking, some have claimed that vaping gives them a “cleaner,” more energizing high. Oil vaping may not be the greatest option for beginners because some vaporizers use oils, which can have up to 80% more THC than the flower you would smoke in a joint. buy

Different Ways Weed Is Used. It can be used as; inhaled, ingested, or applied and there are differences in the way the effects are felt.   


Although bongs, often known as water pipes, may appear to be outdated stoner gear, they are actually a very social smoking method that can get you high very quickly. For a smoother, more flavorful smoke, the water serves as a filter, eliminating some of the carcinogens while retaining all the beneficial ingredients. Sitting on your coffee table, the different designs might also look really lovely.

Different Ways Weed Is Used. It can be used as; inhaled, ingested, or applied and there are differences in the way the effects are felt.

Ingesting Marijuana

If you’re not into inhaling to get your high, then you can consume cannabis in other ways, such as ingesting. This can come in a number of forms:


Over the past few years, there has been a significant growth in the quantity and diversity of edibles accessible, with more inventive and fascinating things for you to eat. These days, it seems like you can infuse almost everything, even gummy bears and cannabis condiments.  Different Ways Weed Is Used. You can create your own delicious sweets at home or purchase a variety of strange and amazing mixtures. Warning: edibles take longer to take effect (between 20 minutes and 3 hours) than smoking since your body must digest them, but the high can be stronger and stay longer. Instead of adding a full bud to your brownie mix, start with tiny amounts, especially if you are new to using marijuana edibles.

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Different Ways Weed Is Used. It can be used as; inhaled, ingested, or applied and there are differences in the way the effects are felt.


These oils in capsule form (also known as cannabis caps) may be the ideal option if you enjoy taking tablets. They are also less messy than making a batch of hash cookies and are excellent if you don’t feel like rolling them. They provide a really potent high, but again, you should watch how much you take because they can take a long time to start working.

Different Ways Weed Is Used. It can be used as; inhaled, ingested, or applied and there are differences in the way the effects are thc vape juice online


The liquid obtained from the marijuana plant is combined with an alcohol solution to create tinctures. To help you measure your dosage more precisely, they usually come in drop or spray bottles. Because the liquid enters your circulation quickly and the mixture is quite potent, placing a few drops beneath your tongue (sublingually) will give you a quick and intense high. The high lasts somewhere between that of eating and smoking.

Cannabis Topicals

The thought of smoking or eating cannabis can occasionally seem unappealing; perhaps you prefer a more subdued impact or don’t enjoy the taste. These balms contain a lot of CBD, the relaxing, anti-inflammatory cannabinoid, and are thicker than the oils mentioned above. They work wonders for chronic pain sufferers, muscle aches and sprains, and period pain since they soak into the skin and are an excellent way to focus pain and inflammation in a particular area of your body. Different Ways Weed Is Used. Because topicals lack the psychoactive effects of THC, you won’t get high from using them, which makes them a great option for people with conditions like anxiety.

As you can see, depending on the impact you’re looking for, there are now a variety of ways to obtain your cannabis fix. Your local cannabis shop is usually a good place to learn more about them. I hope that this post has helped you find the best approach for you.

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