Best Creative Books to Use When High. Did you ever scribble the name of your crush or draw eyeballs and geometric patterns in your high school notebooks? If so, keeping a creative notebook could be enjoyable. A creativity diary is a book of pages intended to improve your way of thinking in general, not merely a place to record life’s events. Are you interested yet unsure where to begin? To assist you choose the greatest creativity journal for you, we’ve done some research (read: got high and had fun) on the market. Let’s get started. buy delta 9 cartridges online
A Creativity Journal: What Is It?
You can experiment with writing prompts, sketch, doodle, or play games in a creativity journal. Keeping a creativity notebook is meant to help you use your imagination and unleash your inner creative potential. It’s similar to a muscle. It gets stronger the more you use it. Best Creative Books to Use When High. Creativity is not just for artists; there are many aspects of life that call for unconventional thinking. Creative thinking has paved the road for innovation and the creation of numerous great projects. Another constructive method to reduce stress and relax is to set aside some time each day to write in a creative diary.
“In many facets of life and the workplace, creative thinking gives you a competitive edge. It involves reimagining, trying new things, developing, taking chances, and breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.” -Shawn Gold, Founder of Pilgrim Soul.
Why Use Creative Journals While High?
Cannabis is similar to a creative life coach. It facilitates a gradual transition into a level of awareness that pulls you into the here and now. Outside sounds are nearly muffled when under the influence of cannabis, which helps you concentrate better on the task at hand. In our hectic lives, it might be challenging to block off the mental chatter. Sometimes, thoughts of our jobs, families, and the world around us might take over. Best Creative Books to Use When High. However, smoking pot (or eating, vaping, etc.) clears the cloud of heavy thinking and eases these oppressive ideas. In this state, we are able to access creative gateways within ourselves and our minds are lifted to a new wave of diverse thinking. Cannabis, according to science, increases blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain, which allows neurons to fire more freely. The frontal lobe is where our creative and divergent thinking is born.
What to Look for in Journals of Creative Thinking
It’s true that you can write down your ideas and emotions in a blank notepad. Writing is an excellent way to release emotions and put plans into action. But if you want to be completely creative, try keeping a creative thought diary. There are a number of options available, all of which are intended to help you tap into your inner creative wellspring through a variety of exercises and activities. We’ve compared some of the most well-known creative thinking journals, including writing prompts, crossword puzzles, games, coloring sheets, and odd assignments.
Pilgrim Soul Creative Thinking Journal
The Pilgrim Soul journal resembles a traditional go-to notepad in both appearance and feel. To help you remember the page you wished to work on next, it features a hardback with a silk ribbon as a placeholder. To keep the cover tight, an elastic band is wrapped around it. Best Creative Books to Use When High. You can put a splash of color inside because the body and pages are all black and white. It is divided into four primary categories of creative challenges: Reflection, Focus, Imagination, and Awareness. This diary offers endless hours of creative tasks for $29.95. buy thc cartridges online
This journal is amazing, to put it simply. A fresh activity and an explanation of how and why it stimulates creativity are included on each page. An exercise called “Place Personality,” for instance, asks you to describe a well-known international metropolis as if it were a person by giving it emotional and physical traits. This challenge forces your imagination to imagine a new topic through its fundamental essence, pushing you beyond linear thinking. While the Pilgrim Soul diary is enjoyable to complete on your own, it would also make a wonderful gift for loved ones. Collaborate on imaginative metaphors, come up with fresh band names, or sketch squiggle birds.
While this creativity journal is a ton of fun, it’s not as easy as you might think. Several of the exercises take a while to start churning creatively. So if you are looking for a mindless journal, this certainly isn’t it.
Wreck This Journal
A wreck In terms of creativity, this journal is more action-oriented than thought-based. You want to put it in the backseat of your car before a road trip because of the way it looks and feels, even if it ends up on the floorboard with a boot print on it. Actually, that could improve it. Best Creative Books to Use When High. The journal is a softcover book, and the first page contains the following warning:
WARNING: You will get filthy while reading this book. You might end up covered in paint or a variety of other alien materials. You’ll get soaked. You can be asked to perform tasks you don’t understand. You might feel sorry for the book because it was in such a wonderful form. You may begin to see creative destruction everywhere. You may begin to live more recklessly.
It’s meant to be used anywhere, so pick a page at random and start reading. One page, for instance, explains how to create a funnel by cutting out the outline, rolling it into a funnel, and taping it all together. Last instruction? Pour some water into it and sip. You are told on another page to tear out the page, place it in your pocket, wash it, and then replace it in the book. The price of Wreck This Journal ranges from $11 to $15 on Amazon and in various retailers.
This journal of invention is hilarious! Some of the challenges are absurd, like “Find a Way to Wear This Journal,” but that’s part of what makes it such a fun exercise. This is the ideal activity to undertake during a much-needed work break or with a few minutes of free time. Simply turn to a page and do as directed. Because it encourages you to embrace these frequently strange but enjoyable duties and push yourself beyond your comfort zone, this book is a creativity notebook.
This journal may be too scattered for some people. It is primarily action-based, and many of those actions may seem too silly to be intentional. If your intention is to dig deep into your creative thinking process, Wreck This Journal is not the right choice.
Stoner Activity Book
The cover of the coloring book, The Stoner Activity Book, features a psychedelic pot leaf smoking a joint. With multiple coloring pages featuring pre-made images of astronauts and aliens smoking joints in space or a page featuring magic mushrooms floating over a group of bongs, this book is the most artistically inventive of all. There are also a lot of word searches, mazes, sudoku and crossword puzzles, and other activities, all with a stoner theme, of course. In terms of prompts, you can find sites such as “How High Am I?” where you can rate your level of happiness and record your activities, food, and emotions. The Stoner Activity Book is available on Amazon for $8.99. buy cannabis hash online europe
If you are looking to relax and chill, this is a great choice. Best Creative Books to Use When High. Turn on some tunes, light a doobie, and let your mind wander while you read “Weed Fun Facts” and color three-eyed cats. Sometimes all it takes is a little downtime to let your creative juices flow, and there is plenty of space for free-thought writing or doodling in this book.
If games and coloring aren’t your idea of a fun activity, this probably isn’t your best choice. However, at this price, it’s worth having around in case the mood strikes.
Each of these books is sure to provide engaging stoner entertainment. When looking for the best creative thinking journal for you, consider the above information. Here’s our final rating: